Monday, September 16, 2013

Influences on Culture

Many writers have been trying to determine the relationship between culture and the people who either consume or make it. Marx viewed this in a way that some them closely related. He explains that at some point, it will be inevitable for society's views to affect the production of culture in its current form. Following Marx, Engels discussed culture in relation to economics. While many people would assume economics to be the sole force of influence in the production of culture, he disagrees and explains that there are many other things that influence this including politics, philosophy and religion. Gramsci discuss the relationship between the dominate class, intellectuals and culture. He explains the function of the dominant class to lead its allies and dominate its enemies. He then explains that while everyone can be an intellectual, not all of them can influence society. As the dominate class tries to dominate its enemies, they must conquer the old intellectuals in order to spread new ideas. One way of doing this, is by creating new thinkers and spreading culture by means of education.

Levisites, Arnold and Hoggart would likely consider the economy to be one of the main influencing factors, unlike Engels. They would consider the close tie between the economy and production of culture to be its downfall. Williams and Thompson, however, would not consider this a bad thing. Wiliams would agree that the economy is not he sole contributor because he considers culture to be a part of the people. In this same mindset of culture as a part of your experiences, he would likely also agree with Gramsci about the dominate class because they would be spreading their experiences. Levisites, Arnold and Hoggart would not have liked the ideas of Gramsci because they would not want to get rid of the old ideas. They would likely consider these ideas better. Arnold, however, would have agreed with the close tie between education and culture.

I like the idea that culture is not only influenced by economic factors, however I do think it is one of the largest contributing factors. By recognizing that there are other factors, we are forced to consider the values and ideals the people are working towards. I also think while the dominate class will try to conquer other ideas in order to keep their own dominate, we should consider how those ideas rose up to become dominant in the first place. To do this, we can probably look at the factors discussed by Engels (politics, history, philosophy, religion).


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